CSD Parade in Hamburg August 2022 πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

impressions in pictures πŸŽ§πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ“·

all images shot with Fuji xt-10 and edited with Guru Video πŸ“½οΈ

hope you enjoy 😎

Music: Future
Musician: LAB HITS-Brent Horsager
URL: https://lyra.sourceaudio.com/

Hamburg CSD Pride 2022πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ’œ

Auf die Straße! Vielfalt statt Gewalt. It’s always a highlight of the year… and after two years of the pandemic so many people just wanna party…
A few impressions of the CSD Pride in Hamburg back in August πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
more to come soon, I’m just a little slow editing. These images are taken with the Google Pixel 4xl

Girls just wanna have fun πŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸŒ»πŸ₯‚

Reminder to all of us… all lives matters βœŠπŸ½

When I took part in a rallly against rassism in Hamburg half a year ago which took place after the refugee camp in Moria burnt down, I heard touching speeches from various organizations and saw a lot of engaged people and activists.

It also dealt with the situation of refugees and people of colors in Germany, who unfortunately are often treated as second class people and face rassism in their daily life.

Has anything improved since then? I guess not really much.

We’re still in the pandemic and have our own problems…

What I took away as an important message “we are all people with the same blood in our veins” and ” leave no one behind”.

We can do when we want.

Here are some impressions of the rally in photos taken with my Fuji xt-10 and proceced in Lightroom.

Thanks for looking if you made it so far… till next time.

Your Chris

for tolerance and diversity… 40 years of CSD in times of the pandemic

Bicycle demo instead of a big parade… Hamburg August 2020

Better late than never writing this post…

I’ve attended the CSD-Parade in Hamburg the first time in 2018, it was an impressing and fun event, so colorful and diverse, so I thought if possible I’ll will be there next time as well, it was even better because I felt much more comfortable midst the LGBTQIA community. I’ve written a blog post here https://chrisbichler.wordpress.com/2019/08/23/love-is-love-hamburg-pride-2019/

This year it was a bit different due to the worldwide pandemic situation. The big party and demonstration was cancelled, instead a “rolling” demonstration on bicycles seemed to be a good and secure way to make the political claims of the LGBTQIA community visible, the organizers decided.

So the CSD parade only took place as a bicycle demo with limited participants, only 3000 were allowed, and strict hygiene rules were implemented. In Germany in short AHA… keep distance, wash or disinfect your hands regularly and wear a mask https://www.hamburg-pride.de/

About 2500 people cycled along on the 8 km long route. My impression was only a bunch of people watched it from the sideline, no comparison to the years before.

Although the exceptional atmosphere was really missing it was interesting to shoot the cyclists with the most diverse characters and what I saw happening around.

This time I had only the Fuji xt-10 with me and no analog camera like the last times.

thanks for visiting…until next time

Solidarity with Rojava

Is this the end of a dream? No! Demonstration for the people of Rojava, an autonomous Kurdish area in northern Syria crushed between political megalomania.

Some impressions of the demonstration on 10/12/2019 in Hamburg I was lucky to attend together with a friend Ernst Wilhelm, he published an article (in German) about another demonstration one week later

Hamburg fΓΌr Rojava

Up to 6000 people stood with the Rojava on the streets to protest against the invasion under breaking international law, seems their fate has long been decided, but no one expected such massive and brave resistance, the movement and self-administration is still alive.

